Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10.22.12- Cycle Day 24

CD 24
8 Days Past Ovulation (7/9)

Temperature 98.5 (Adjusted from 4:30am at 98.20, couldn't figure out where my thermometer was at 6am)

Taking: Aspirin
Vit B6

Cervix is closed and high

I actually had sex a few hours before this picture, so the cervical mucus may be obscured in the cervix pictures and may not be "accurate", so to speak.

Cervix is closed and high.

Cervical Fluid: Creamy

This is before intercourse. As you can see it's very thick and opaque.

Of course I peed on sticks today. They don't look any different from yesterday, though, so I don't want to make the effort to get them on the interwebs. I'll let you know if anything changes. :O

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