Sunday, March 16, 2014

19 Weeks 6 Days

19w6d Gestational Age
17w6d Fetal Age

Squishy cervix hiding behind squishy vagina

Yay cervix.

19 Weeks 5 Days

19w5d Gestational Age
17w5d Fetal Age

Better cervix shot I think

Friday, March 14, 2014

19 Weeks 4 Days

19w4d Gestational Age
17w4d Fetal Age

Cervix is hiding. This is just not working well lol.

Gobs of lovely fluid all over the os.

Okay so a week ago I was at a midwifery lab. They did my fundal height at 18+3 and got 19 and then showed me how they measured. I did it today at 19+4 and got much bigger than they got. I even took a picture because I AM NOT CRAZY.

Was told to cup the fundus with my hand and measure to the closest visible cm from the pubis symphysis to the fundus.

Can you see that? It's kinda blurry. THATS 25. NOT 19 or 20. I'm NOT insane. I needed picture proof because I thought I was going nuts.~~~~

I made the man thing do it and he got 24.  STILL NOT INSANE.

I had to share that with someone, that's about 5-6 cm ahead, which is a little bit large.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

19 Weeks 3 Days

19w3d Gestational Age
19w3d Fetal Age

Cervix is now rudely hiding

But is also emitting gigantic globs of this stuff:
That's interesting. I'm getting a bigger speculum.

19 Weeks 2 Days

19w2d Gestational Age
17w2d Fetal Age

Tried a different angle. Didn't work out too well.

19 Weeks 1 Day

19w1d Gestational Age
17w1d Fetal Age

Cervix is still posterior but I got a better picture of it today than I had previously.

19 Weeks 0 Days

19w0d Gestational Age
17w0d Fetal Age

Cervix, in the past week, has moved more posterior, which makes it harder to take pictures. It has also moved higher and I can feel a baby head in front of it sometimes.

I will have to come up with more interesting angles to take pictures.

-- as it turns out (I checked the time stamp) I deleted the 19w0d picture too. This is 19w1d so I removed it.

Sorry >.<

19 Weeks!

19w0d Completed

20th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: So I was gone to a midwifery skills lab this week (cause of the whole going to school for baby catching thing) and apparently I'm self measuring all wrong because I can't see the tape very well. So I'm having man-thing measure for me. I didn't measure until 19+3 and he measured me at 24 with bladder empty.

Fetal Heart Tone: 150-160 still. I actually think I may be getting two PMI's (points of maximum intensity-- where the heart is heard clearly and loudly at two points in the uterus) that may correlate with two hard lumps that could potentially be two backs. But I don't know, so I'll wait to draw any conclusive judgements as of yet.

Fetal Position: Everywhere. A lot of people palpated me experimentally last week and the most common thing said was "I can't feel anything distinct-- I don't know what's happening in there."

Symptoms noted in the past week:
Food aversions
Pelvic pain

(I didn't take one of 19w0d because I was on planes all day <and standby--shudder> so you can have the closest pictures after that of 18w5d in my pajamas and 18w6d from the front. Yay me.)

Last week: neurons are forming pathways for senses. Fetus can hear me talk and moves when it hears people it likes (or people that startle it, like small children). It is developing a waxy coating called vernix that will protect it while it develops a stronger skin in there.

This week: vernix should have completely coated fetuses little body. It's senses are now going to let it experience life and possibly retain memories, though it won't start dreaming until about 28 weeks. I should start to feel hiccups. Everyone else's baby will start to grow hair at this point-- like, on their heads-- except mine. Don't count on mine having any hair. 

18 Weeks 1 Day- 18 Weeks 6 Days

I went across the country for a week and then brilliantly deleted all of the photos I had taken from that week thinking I had saved them separately. I didn't even get back until the evening of 19 w0d and then I was super sick so the photo quality from then to now is awful.


On a more joyous note, the iPhone 5s auto focuses (eeee) which cuts the amount of pictures I have to take in half. It's awesome. Where was this feature when I was desperately trying to take photos of all those awful faint lines?!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

18 Weeks

18w0d Completed
19th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: 22-25cm 

Fetal Heart Tone: 150-160

Fetal Position: Everywhere.

Symptoms noted in the past week:


Last week: fetus is worked on simple reflexes, like swallowing, sucking and blinking. It is beginning to get fat. It's bones are continuing to harden, so it should be able to hear things by the end of the week.

This week: neurons are forming patheays for senses. Fetus can hear me talk and moves when it hears people it likes (or people that startle it, like small children). It is developing a waxy coating called vernix that will protect it while it develops a stronger skin in there.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

17 Weeks 5 Days

17w5d Gestational Age
15w5d Fetal Age

Caught up! Part of the reason I get so lazy is because I have to stay on the app when I'm done uploading and that's super boring so I forget and close the app and do other things lol

17 Weeks 4 Days

17w4d Gestational Age
15w4d Fetal Age

17 Weeks 3 Days

17w3d Gestational Age
15w3d Fetal Age

17 Weeks 2 Days

17w2d Gestational Age
15w2d Fetal Age

17 Weeks 1 Day

17w1d Gestational Age
15w1d Fetal Age

I can palpate definite fetus parts. I just don't really know what parts I'm feeling.

17 Weeks 0 Days

17w0d Gestational Age
15w0d Fetal Age

17 Weeks!

17w0d Completed
18th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: 23-26cm

Fetal Heart Tone: Not taken this week.

Fetal Position: everywhere.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Some Nausea
Sensitive breasts


Last week: Fetus grew to about 5.5 inches. It has toenails and fingernails. It started to turn its cartelidge into bone.

This week: fetus is working on simple reflexes, like swallowing, sucking and blinking. It is beginning to get fat. It's bones are continuing to harden, so it should be able to hear things by the end of the week.

16 Weeks 6 Days

16w6d Gestational Age
14w6d Fetal Age

16 Weeks 5 Days

16w5d Gestatonal Age
14w5d Fetal Age

16 Weeks 4 Days

16w4d Gestational Age
14w4d Fetal Age

Yay uterus updates

16 Weeks 3 Days

16w3d Gestational Age
14w3d Fetal Age

So super lazy I didn't update again.