Saturday, May 24, 2014

Video of possibly two hearts? Idk don't ask me

May or may not have just uploaded 23 comments into my 26 week post.

Anyway-- this is what we are hearing, which several midwives and (begrudgingly) I believe may be two hearts attached to two separate fetuses. for those that don't want to go back to look.

Found using the radiation machine-- the intensity of the sound and the angle of the probe that far apart is what is pushing the belief from distant "maybe" to more real. Unless there is a problem, though, I'm not planning on an ultrasound, so I'm going to stay in my half crazed limbo and take you all down with me.

28 Weeks!

28w0d completed

29th week of pregnancy

7 Months Pregnant
8th Month of Pregnancy

Third Trimester

Weight: 146.2lb (oh yeah I gained 20lbs crazy crazy)

Blood Pressure: 106/62 (still great)

Resting Heart Rate: 90bpm

Fundal Height: My sister visited on Monday and she took my fundal height (I was teaching her how). I got 36, she got 38.

My view 

Fetal Heart Rate: Still 130-145ish.

Fetal Position: At least one head in my pelvis.

Symptoms noted in the past month
Utter exhaustion
Pelvic pain
Heartburn of death
Pregnancy insomnia


Developmental growth:
Fetus is like 15 inches long and I'm now in the third trimester omg.
Fetus is stimulating my hormones to make milk and stuff so it stays alive. I've noticed a sharp increase in nipple pain over the past week but I'm already making milk so~*~*~
It's actually getting a sleep/wake cycle and beginning to dream.
Other than that this last trimester is mostly dedicated to fat production and bulking up. It's "the finishing touches". Obviously a baby born at this gestation would need support to survive. This is the home stretch in outfitting the baby so it can survive.

27 Weeks 6 Days

27w6d Gestational Age
25w6d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 5 Days

27w5d Gestational Age
25w5d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 4 Days

27w4d Gestational Age
25w4d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 3 Days

27w3d Gestational Age
25w3d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 2 Days

27w2d Gestational Age
25w2d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 1 Day

27w1d Gestational Age
25w1d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 0 Days

27w0d Gestational Age
25w0d Fetal Age

27 Weeks!

27w0d Completed

28th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: I think it was like 35.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-150. 

Fetal Position: Depends on whether or not I have to pee. I keep feeling what I think is fetus stacking and then I just feel hard lumps everywhere. I am going a little nuts actually because I don't want an ultrasound for what I see as a non-emergency. So I convince myself I'm just imagining things at least twice a day. :D


And this is actually the biggest around I've ever gotten, I think.

And, comparison of last pregnancy that got to 27 Weeks (left) and this pregnancy at 27 Weeks (right)

Same bathroom, sink and angle.

This week: Last week of the second trimester- wow! Supposedly fetus is 2idh lb-- though, given that my last two babies were born term at 5 and 6 lb I'm Willi to bet mine is slightly smaller. Baby is supposed to start flipping down about now, though I must say mine are almost always head down all the time. This head in my lungs thing is an anomaly. I do think there is a head in my pelvis too. (Well, actually, I always think there is a head in my pelvis and only wonder about the one in my ribs.)

26 Weeks 6 Days

26w6d Gestational Age
24w6d Fetal Age

26 Weeks 5 Days

26w5d Gestational Age
24w5d Fetal Age

26 Weeks 4 Days

26w4d Gestational Age
24w4d Fetal Age

Look at how purple my cervix is... And the leukorrhea! :0

26 Weeks 3 Days

26w3d Gestational Age
24w3d Fetal Age

I just want to note how much of a difference the speculum change from small to medium makes. When you are pregnant the entire structure of the perineum changes and everything is stretchier. The medium speculum gives me more wide range of vision without being painful.

26 Weeks 2 Days

26w2d Gestational Age
24w2d Fetal Age

26 Weeks 1 Day

26w1d Gestational Age
24w1d Fetal Age

26 Weeks 0 Days

26w0d Gestational Age
24w0d Fetal Age

Blurry, sorry.

26 Weeks!

26w 0d Completed

27th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: Crap idk I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. I probably took a picture.

As it turns out, no I did not.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-150. Also I have a video. If I can make it anonymous then I can post it so you can see. I used the radiation machine (shame on me). hb positions and intensity consistent with a vertex/breech twin positioning. Obviously it could be wrong. I only believe it enough to buy more diapers, not to buy another car seat.
I have no idea if this video worked. Please tell me.

Fetal Position: Based on heart rates, at 26w4d
This was most likely. Also according to the video.

I think my crotch fruit deleted my pictures actually. Here is my 26 that I actually have left:

And here is a <not mine> example of a 26 week fetus in utero on an mri.

This week: Eyelids open again! Head can move independently. Toenails have grown in and fetus is gathering fat. Brain is still wiring itself and it gets bigger everyday.

25 Weeks 6 Days

25w6d Gestational Age
23w6d Fetal Age

It was really low this day, I remember. Baby head.

25 Weeks 5 Days

25w5d Gestational Age
23w5d Fetal Age

25 Weeks 4 Days

25w4d Gestational Age
23w4d Fetal Age


25 Weeks 3 Days

25w3d Gestational Age
23w3d Fetal Age

Also without this blog I forgot how far along I was. People would ask me and I would just stare at them because idk.


25 Weeks 2 Days

25w2d Gestational Age
23w2d Fetal Age

Can you believe the reason I haven't done this yet is because it's monotonous and I don't want to? What bad reasons-- it gets more monotonous when you put it off and let it pile up.

25 Weeks 1 Day

25w1d Gestational Age
23w1d Fetal Age

25 Weeks 0 Days

25w0d Gestational Age
23w0d Fetal Age

Wow. Lots of changes. I'm actually like 2cm dilated in this pic and just lay on the floor in pain most of the time. My hips hurt. My crotch hurts.

20-25 Weeks!

I am just going to give a general summary of these weeks because I literally don't remember a thing from this gestation other than that I expanded and spent most of my time sleeping with my hips killing me.

20 Weeks
 Fundus was at 25 I think

AND I PROMISED YOU A NIPPLE CHANGE PIC I actually took one at 20 weeks.
Look at how dark. :0

21 Weeks

22 Weeks: 

23 Weeks:

24 Weeks:

I actually forgot a formal picture of 24 so I just give you a picture of me seeing how long it will take me to busy through a dress in a Goodwill. Was actually taken at the 24 week mark.

25 Weeks:

Yeah. Now for cervix. At least until I get bored with updating and do the rest later (probably tomorrow-- I have to stay on the app to update).

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hah no I'm not gone

Okay well I was gone for a while. Mostly because I'm a lazy sot but a little because I'm also an anxious lazy sot who is miserly.

I missed a solid month (20w-24w6d) because I lost or broke all my speculums and I didn't want to tell you that so instead I didn't post and I convinced myself I could find more speculums without having to pay shipping. I finally bought new ones and then refused to update because I felt bad about not updating. 

So I've been taking pictures from 25w0d to now and I haven't posted because I didn't want to explain myself. >.>


School is almost over for me. I should be back in the next few days with an update or 27 or whatever. I AM continuing this blog. I WILL see it to the end. I will. Really. I mean I've been taking pictures for like two years how annoying would it be for me to quit now?


So. Next few days. Updating. Then back to regularly scheduled uterus posts. Hopefully. >.>