Saturday, May 24, 2014

26 Weeks!

26w 0d Completed

27th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: Crap idk I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. I probably took a picture.

As it turns out, no I did not.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-150. Also I have a video. If I can make it anonymous then I can post it so you can see. I used the radiation machine (shame on me). hb positions and intensity consistent with a vertex/breech twin positioning. Obviously it could be wrong. I only believe it enough to buy more diapers, not to buy another car seat.
I have no idea if this video worked. Please tell me.

Fetal Position: Based on heart rates, at 26w4d
This was most likely. Also according to the video.

I think my crotch fruit deleted my pictures actually. Here is my 26 that I actually have left:

And here is a <not mine> example of a 26 week fetus in utero on an mri.

This week: Eyelids open again! Head can move independently. Toenails have grown in and fetus is gathering fat. Brain is still wiring itself and it gets bigger everyday.

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