Tuesday, December 24, 2013

8 Weeks!

8 Weeks!

8w 0d completed
9th week of pregnancy

2 Months Pregnant
3rd Month of Pregnancy

Weight: 127.0lbs

Blood Pressure: 119/66

Resting Heart Rate: 93bpm

Fundal Height: Not applicable (uterus has grown considerably but is still retroverted. Last measured 7w2-3d at 12cm w 8cm h)

Fetal Heart Tone: Not applicable, heartbeat is unable to be heard by fetoscope.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past month:

Increased Sense of Smell
Slight Nipple Tenderness
Extreme Bouts of Nausea
Food Aversion (strong)
Food Craving (mild)

Same style as per usual

And my Christmas Eve pajama set a day later because I think it fits and portrays the bump better. I had to super crop this picture because my spawn decided to involve itself in my picture taking activities.
Ridiculous. It's pushing all of my organs everywhere.

In my experience, this symptom subsides at about 6-7 weeks and at 8ish weeks is replaced by an itty bitty baby bump. As this will <hopefully> be my third full term pregnancy I can expect to "show" sooner. 

Developmental growth:
Embryo is a little over .6 inches. It has wrists! And elbows! It can flex! It's growing eyes and continuing the formation of other organs and working on ears.

This week the small creature will grow to a little bit under an inch big. It will start working on reproductive organs and will finish eye growth. Eyelids will form and seal the eyes closed. At the same time, fingers will appear and the hands and feet will stop looking like paddles.