Tuesday, December 3, 2013

5 Weeks!

5w 0d completed
6th week of pregnancy

Fundal Height: Uterus feels like a rounded egg. Softening can be felt along the body of the uterus.

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell

This week has been entirely unremarkable except for the fact that I am still pregnant. This week I'm working on getting blood tests. So far, every local clinic has told me that I'm either not their problem (the walk in clinic) or that I am not able to see anyone who can order a draw until I am 9-12 weeks (the earliest was 7, most said 9-12). -_-


At 5 weeks pregnant I would have expected bloating to go down but it seems that just is not so.

Developmental growth:
The baby is the size of an apple seed right now. In the 5th week it formed rudimentary organs and it's heart started beating.

We are now in the 6th week. The most important development this week focuses on doubling in size and forming the brain/closing the spine. This week is when neural tube defects happen.