Monday, November 25, 2013

4 Weeks!

4w 0d completed
5th week of pregnancy

1 Month Pregnant
2nd Month of Pregnancy

LMP: 10.29.13 (For accuracy in dating I would tell a physician it was 10.28.13 because due dates are calculated on a CD 15 ovulation)

Ovulation: 11.11.13 (CD 14)

Expected Due Date (EDD): 08.04.14 [can also be noted as Expected Date of Confinement (EDC)]

Weight: 126.4 lbs (I will take weight every 4 weeks.)

Blood Pressure: Not taken this week

Resting Heart Rate: 99bpm

Fundal Height: Not applicable (uterus has not grown, no shape change noted)

Fetal Heart Tone: Not applicable, fetus has no heart until the end of this week and that is not detectable by fetoscope for a few more weeks.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past month: (in this case, over the past 5 days)

Increased Sense of Smell
Heightened Temperature
Slight Irrationality
Slight Nipple Tenderness
Brief Bouts of Nausea
Food Aversion (extremely mild)
Food Craving (extremely mild)

This pregnancy has been different from my others in that I have had a ton of cramping early on. That never happens. Based on my HCG levels (between 200-2000) at 14 DPO my TTC groups are all threatening me with wishes of multiples, some (kind of) joking about higher order multiples. I have already informed them that I will personally blame them if I end up with quads. For the record, however, I don't think there is more than one bean in there. They're just being mean to me. >:0

At 4 weeks pregnant it's alllllll bloat. In early pregnancy progesterone slows digestion so the body can process the nutrients more easily. This causes constipation and distention. 

In my experience, this symptom subsides at about 6-7 weeks and at 8ish weeks is replaced by an itty bitty baby bump. As this will <hopefully> be my third full term pregnancy I can expect to "show" sooner. 

Developmental growth:
The baby is the size of a poppy seed right now. In the 4th week, the blastocyst spent its time implanting into the uterine lining and partitioning off cells to specialize in different organ systems and pieces of a person.

We are now in the 5th week. Baby will grow to be about the size of an apple seed. It is working on stuff like the liver, kidneys, circulatory system, nervous system, and digestive system. By the end of the 5th week (21 DPO) it will have a heartbeat. 


  1. Expected Date of Confinement (EDC)? What does that mean?

    1. It's an old timey term meaning "due date". You'll sometimes see it in medical records.

    2. a long time ago, before people stopped caring about caring for new mothers and babies, women would be "confined" at the end of their pregnancy and after birth. Female family members would tend to them, and they would get to relax and recuperate without worrying about getting back to work 2 weeks after popping out a kid, I believe it was usually a 40-day+ period. We've made so much progress since those backward days, huh?

    3. In the old testament, women git extra time if they had a girl. I think it was 3 months for a boy and 6 months for a girl. My thoughts after my pastor's sermon on it, is that girls require more out longer uninterrupted closeness because of hormones.

  2. Congratulations Tyler, so much love and hope to you for a healthy pregnancy!
