Thursday, November 28, 2013

10.29.13- Cycle Day 31

CD 31
17 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.48

Taking: Prenatal

(I'm at my mothers for the Great American Feast of Gluttony: Celebrating the Genocide of an Entire Nation of Natives and forgot my vitamins so i went out and bought these cute little pink prenatals.)

Cervix closed, discoloration still present.

FRER Today.

So I did some math and I realized if my levels were approximately 25 at 11 DPO and approximately 200 at 14 dpo my betas are doubling every 24 hours or so. If this trend is right tomorrow I should be over the 2000 threshold for the CBD and it should read 3+ weeks. I'll break it open to make sure anyway. 

It would make me feel much better if I had a 24 hour double (approximately).

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