Monday, January 6, 2014

10 Weeks!

10w 0d completed
11th week of pregnancy

Fundal Height: No uterus mashing and outlining done this week.

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable on fetoscope.

Fetal Position: Given the oblong shape of my uterus I'm willing to bet its transverse. Uterus is misshapen a bit on my right.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Exhaustion (SEVERE)
Breast changes

Since I can't get home I'll just take a pic in non maternity. I feel like im going to need that maternity shirt soon. :/

Belly has changed shape.

Fetal development!
Last week: now the size of a kumquat, 
heart will nearly complete development and the brain will take over it's beating. Eyes are moving to the front and ears are gaining actual shape and don't look like holes anymore. Webbing between the fingers will nearly disappear and most major organs will have formed.

This week: embryo is now a fetus! This week head to body ratio will be abut 1:1. The placenta Is finishing forming while the body straightens out. Eyes will finish moving to the front. Yay fetus.

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