Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Your blog's name is stupid"

... Absolutely no one has said this to me, but I think it ALLL THE TIME.

The title and URL don't match the content because about 2 years ago I decided that I was going to build a house out of mud or some shit and keep an update of how I did it. Of course, I have abandoned that project indefinitely because it's a stupid thing for someone with nowhere to put an earth sheltered home to try and do. I'm sure I'll come back to it when my bank account is less pathetic.

Instead of creating a new blog, I just decided to recycle this one and started displaying my uterus. Because making a new one was too much effort? Idk.

I really need to change the name to fit the  uterus-y nature of the blog. The problem with this is that I am
A) Uncreative
B) Indescisive
C) Lazy

So. Suggestions are open, please do the hard work for me so I stop reminding myself that the title of this blog makes no sense.