Sunday, December 22, 2013

7 Weeks!

7 Weeks!

7w 0d completed
8th week of pregnancy

I know I'm late but at the beginning of this week I was sick and then I spent the rest of it asleep. Building a brain and hands or whatever it's doing in there is exhausting.

Fundal Height:
I did that uterus outline thing again at 7w2d. Huge difference! 
It's considerably rounder, though it still spends it's time laying on my sacrum instead of on my bladder. It is pressing against my bladder though I can assure you of that.

Measurements are: From left to right, (w) 12cm. In the front, from top to bottom (h) 8 cm. I didn't do the straight line measurement this time cause it kinda hurt and I didn't feel like it. Obv it's significantly bigger because it's rounder. 

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable. Actually I crammed the Doppler in a corner of some kind because I felt bad it was in my house. I can't sell it because that would be giving some other person the ability to mutate their baby. But I can't use it either... So there it sits. Guilting me with its existence.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Exhaustion (SEVERE)
Nausea (moderate bordering on severe)
Irritability (sporadic and less controlled)

This week has been more intense than the last by a lot. I can't eat anything because I feel soooo sick and I puke everything. I'm basically living on Cheerios and vitamins. BUT at the same time I'm also always hungry. I have **never** had to get up in the middle of the night to eat during pregnancy (or anytime else) and I have always been able to sleep through the night without an intense and painful urge to pee several times a night. Just so different. More "typical" symptoms that I never had. I'd happily take the symptoms of either of my two other children's pregnancies lol.

And I'm always sleeping and dead on my feet by like 11. Blegh.


I have for sure lost weight from this week so the puffiness has gone down and I do think I'm starting to see actual uterus-making belly rather than intestine-making belly.

Fetal development!
Last week: brain more developed, grew many rudimentary organs, bones and appendages that it needs, like teeth buds, eyes, etc.

This week: SRY gene takes over this week if the baby is a boy! (This is the gene that cancels out parts of the X chromosome to make boy-organs). It's forming its hideous face (Carnegie stage 16-17) and it's trying to make fingers!

Look, it's so ugly.

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