Monday, December 30, 2013

9 Weeks 0 Days

9w0d Gestational Age
7w0d Embryonic Age

Taking: 5MTHF

9 Weeks!

9w 0d completed
10th week of pregnancy

Fundal Height: No uterus mashing and outlining done this week.

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable on fetoscope.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Exhaustion (SEVERE)
Breast changes


Fetal development!
Last week: kidneys, liver, brain and lungs have all gained functionality. It looks like a person. Fingers have grown more and webbing has begun to disappear. Baby is about an inch long.

This week: heart will nearly complete development and the brain will take over it's beating. Eyes are moving to the front and ears are gaining actual shape and don't look like holes anymore. Webbing between the fingers will nearly disappear and most major organs will have formed.

8 Weeks 6 Days

8w6d Gestational Age
6w6d Embryo Age

Taking: DHA

8 Weeks 5 Days

8w5d Gestational Age
6w5d a Embryo Age

Taking: nothing because I couldn't find my pill case :x

8 Weeks 4 Days

8w4d Gestational Age
6w4d Embryo Age

Taking: 5MTHF

Cervix is high and tilted funny.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

8 Weeks 3 Days

8w3d Gestational Age
6w3d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Mushy, mushy uterus.

Recovering from the holiday. I am both shot and completely absent minded. Just can't think.

8 Weeks 2 Days

8w2d Gestational Age
6w2d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

I got stuck in ice today and couldn't get home, so no picture. :(

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

8 Weeks 1 Day

8w1d Gestational Age
6w1d Fetal Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix looks open-infertile today. Chadwick's sign is less pronounced in the picture.

I've been irritated with the way my pictures look lately. They were so pretty when I first started this blog-- and clear. What is with the deterioration in quality??

8 Weeks 0 Days

8w0d Gestational Age
6w0d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is closed. It does not feel very softened right now but I can see the attempts at a solid mucous plug. What is soft is the actual body of the uterus and the isthmus. 

8 Weeks!

8 Weeks!

8w 0d completed
9th week of pregnancy

2 Months Pregnant
3rd Month of Pregnancy

Weight: 127.0lbs

Blood Pressure: 119/66

Resting Heart Rate: 93bpm

Fundal Height: Not applicable (uterus has grown considerably but is still retroverted. Last measured 7w2-3d at 12cm w 8cm h)

Fetal Heart Tone: Not applicable, heartbeat is unable to be heard by fetoscope.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past month:

Increased Sense of Smell
Slight Nipple Tenderness
Extreme Bouts of Nausea
Food Aversion (strong)
Food Craving (mild)

Same style as per usual

And my Christmas Eve pajama set a day later because I think it fits and portrays the bump better. I had to super crop this picture because my spawn decided to involve itself in my picture taking activities.
Ridiculous. It's pushing all of my organs everywhere.

In my experience, this symptom subsides at about 6-7 weeks and at 8ish weeks is replaced by an itty bitty baby bump. As this will <hopefully> be my third full term pregnancy I can expect to "show" sooner. 

Developmental growth:
Embryo is a little over .6 inches. It has wrists! And elbows! It can flex! It's growing eyes and continuing the formation of other organs and working on ears.

This week the small creature will grow to a little bit under an inch big. It will start working on reproductive organs and will finish eye growth. Eyelids will form and seal the eyes closed. At the same time, fingers will appear and the hands and feet will stop looking like paddles.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

7 Weeks 6 Days

7w6d Gestational Age
5w6d Embryo Age

Taking: 5MTHF

Cervix is purpley again.

I tried checking for certain signs. I have hegar's sign (the cervix can be flexed back and forth to touch the back or front of the uterus) and the uterus is very soft and mushy, which makes moving it and palpating it more difficult. When I push to try and move it up I can no longer adjust it with 1 or 2 fingers. As it is I feel the uterus rising off of my sacrum anyway. I guess it's getting too big to comfortably fit back there.

7 Weeks 5 Days

7w5dGestational Age
5w5d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

7 Weeks 4 Days

7w4d Gestational Age
5w4d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

7 Weeks 3 Days

7w3d Gestational Age
5w3d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

7 Weeks 2 Days

7w2d Gestational Age
5w2d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix looked almost fertile today.

7 Weeks 1 Day

7w1d Gestational Age
5w1d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Uterus was at all sorts of odd angles so I had trouble with this one.

7 Weeks 0 Days

7w0d Gestational Age

5w0d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

No picture today because I was busy laying around being sick.

7 Weeks!

7 Weeks!

7w 0d completed
8th week of pregnancy

I know I'm late but at the beginning of this week I was sick and then I spent the rest of it asleep. Building a brain and hands or whatever it's doing in there is exhausting.

Fundal Height:
I did that uterus outline thing again at 7w2d. Huge difference! 
It's considerably rounder, though it still spends it's time laying on my sacrum instead of on my bladder. It is pressing against my bladder though I can assure you of that.

Measurements are: From left to right, (w) 12cm. In the front, from top to bottom (h) 8 cm. I didn't do the straight line measurement this time cause it kinda hurt and I didn't feel like it. Obv it's significantly bigger because it's rounder. 

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable. Actually I crammed the Doppler in a corner of some kind because I felt bad it was in my house. I can't sell it because that would be giving some other person the ability to mutate their baby. But I can't use it either... So there it sits. Guilting me with its existence.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Exhaustion (SEVERE)
Nausea (moderate bordering on severe)
Irritability (sporadic and less controlled)

This week has been more intense than the last by a lot. I can't eat anything because I feel soooo sick and I puke everything. I'm basically living on Cheerios and vitamins. BUT at the same time I'm also always hungry. I have **never** had to get up in the middle of the night to eat during pregnancy (or anytime else) and I have always been able to sleep through the night without an intense and painful urge to pee several times a night. Just so different. More "typical" symptoms that I never had. I'd happily take the symptoms of either of my two other children's pregnancies lol.

And I'm always sleeping and dead on my feet by like 11. Blegh.


I have for sure lost weight from this week so the puffiness has gone down and I do think I'm starting to see actual uterus-making belly rather than intestine-making belly.

Fetal development!
Last week: brain more developed, grew many rudimentary organs, bones and appendages that it needs, like teeth buds, eyes, etc.

This week: SRY gene takes over this week if the baby is a boy! (This is the gene that cancels out parts of the X chromosome to make boy-organs). It's forming its hideous face (Carnegie stage 16-17) and it's trying to make fingers!

Look, it's so ugly.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

6 Weeks 6 Days

6w6d Gestational Age
4w6d Embryo Age

Taking: 5MTHF

Nausea has ebbed slightly. 

 Cervix was tilted and it was hard to get a picture.

6 Weeks 5 Days

6w5d Gestation
6w5d Embryo Age

Taking: DHA
Ginger Pills

Oh my gooddddd. So sick. Inhabitant must be working on something serious for me to feel this horrid. I started taking ginger pills to try and combat it and bought a ton of ginger ale.

6 Weeks 4 Days

6w4d Gestation
4w4d Embryo Age

Taking: 5MTHF

This is blurry because I spent most of the day being violently Ill. I took this picture through puking.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

6 Weeks 3 Days

6w3d Gestational Age
4w3d Embryo Age

Taking: 5MTHF

Cervix is turning purpley! EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH

The purple is vascularization. It is called Chadwick's sign of pregnancy, and should get darker over the next few weeks.

The eggwhite fluid is my body working on making a mucus plug. It looks like a slightly gooey form of fertile fluid.

Oh, and I found a picture of a 30 day embryo's face in my book, A Child Is Born. The photographer is named Lennart Nilson and he's amazing. Look up his books.
 Same guy, 28 day old spine.

6 Weeks 2 Days

6w2d Gestation
4w2d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix does not feel soft but the point between the cervix and utero body does.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

6 Weeks 1 Day

6w1d Gestational Age
4w1d Fetal Age

Taking: Prenatal

Looks purpley.

6 Weeks 0 Days

6w0d Gestational Age
4w0d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is a little softer, lots of eggwhite fluid.

Nothin else much to report.

Monday, December 9, 2013

6 Weeks!

6w 0d completed
7th week of pregnancy

Fundal Height: This week (5w6d) I pushed up my uterus while laying on my back and drew an outline so I could show you the size of my 6 week uterus.

Measurements are: From left to right, (w) 9.5cm. In the front, from top to bottom (h) 6.5 cm. The straight line is from the fundus to the end of the cervix (l) 7cm. It's definitely bigger in the front and more rounded than it was last week. I don't know if this is how big it SHOULD be because there is really no decent guide, even in my obstetric textbooks, outlining size differences in a 6, 7, 8 etc week uterus. Most don't give decent average sizes until 12 weeks. 

The only book that says anything about it is my Williams Obstetrics text, which says 8 cm all around = 12 weeks.

My uterus is bigger than that across but it it is not at my fundus yet. I can palpate it abdominally if I press down slightly but certainly not too considerably.

Given that my uterus is enlarged, you can expect that I'll have increased in size marginally since organs have to go somewhere. It's only noticeable to me though so I just feel puffy.

Fetal Heart Tone: Not detectable.

Fetal Position: Not applicable.

Symptoms noted in the past week:

Increased Sense of Smell
Nausea (minor)
Irritability (sporadic and controlled)
Nipples have changed color.

I've done a terrible thing.

I keep worrying about waking up to find I've lost the pregnancy. I'm glad I have 70 billion sticks for that but I'm still kind of nervous (and I'm NOT a nervous person). 
What if I do bleed? What if I stop growing? WHAT IF.

So I bought a doppler.

Dopplers are bad because they haven't been proven safe. They really shouldn't be used at home. They shouldn't be used routinely.

I'm not going to use it unless I start bleeding or am in intense pain or something. But I feel much calmer having it around. I just feel an intense amount of crunchy guilt even owning it. 
*slaps wrist*
Look it's pink.

Nipple and areola has also slightly changed size and shape. 
It's darkened a little bit. I'll probably take another at like 20w or so and again at like 36w. Or so.

I do not like this puffiness.

I think I look better when I take off the pants and put on a non-maternity shirt for picture taking.

Fetal development!
Last week: neural tube closed, brain formed, some organs were started. Size: a grain of rice.

This week: small person will grow to the size of a blueberry. (Length, not fatness). It's working on brain, teeth buds, organ development, eyes, and appendages (arms and legs!) wheee!

5 Weeks 6 Days

5w6d Gestation
3w6d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is soft and wide. Lighting was really bad on this pic but you get the idea.

I wake up every day thinking my uterus is going to start flushing out occupants. I'm so glad I still have like 30000 tests left.

That makes me feel a bit better. A bit. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

5 Weeks 5 Days

5w5d Gestation
3w5d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is high. Uterus is high actually, I can feel it in the front of my abdomen.

Oh and about the Detect 5... Pretty sure it was reading at 10000. It says to read within 5 minutes and at the 5 minute mark it read at 10000. After lines appeared. 

6 hours later it was reading positive at 500.

So either this thing takes forever to run and my levels are under 2000 or my levels are 10000. I like the idea that they are 10000 because less would upset me greatly. So. There is my logic.

Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Weeks 4 Days

5w4d Gestation
3w4d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix looks... Neat? Unlike my house.

Continued working on destroying my house. Moved a couch into another room. Took everything out of my desk (it's been a dumping ground) and then dragged the desk into the front entryway. Finished purging the living room of Crap I Don't Need and pushed all the stuff that I threw into the hallway back into a smaller bedroom because it annoyed me.

I think I worked for 8 solid hours today. Man came home and helped me carry the desk upstairs. 

My sciatica is acting up.


Even carrying a desk I should **NOT** have sciatica at 5 weeks.

You know why? Because my uterus is being stupid and retroverted. Tonight I'll try to adjust it more to the front. It got really round in the past few days and is being dumb.


I got my detect5. 

It's a stupid test. Detect5 has very weird instructions.
There are 5 different sensitivities. 25, 100, 500, 2000, and 10000. 
The first three sensitivities are read the traditional way. 2 lines = positive.
The 2000 and 10000 are read the opposite way. 1 line= positive, 2 lines = negative. Ugh.

It says to read before 5 minutes.

2-3 minutes it reads at 10000.

5 Minutes reads at 10000 with a weird dye run.

But, after that the 10000 becomes negative?

Idk. Is this like a reverse form of an evap? Or are my levels 2000-10000

Don't buy this test, it will annoy you. And it's 20 dollars. Don't pay 20 dollars to be annoyed.


And just for fun, OPK 25 DPO.

5 Weeks 3 Days

5w3d Gestation
3w3d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is very closed looking.

I have gotten the brilliant idea to dismantle and re-organize my entire house. I spent all day purging toys and figuring out where our tree would go (and cleaning up from this semester-- my house has been a disaster since the Great Bedbug (there was only ONE -_-) Incident of 2013 (right after I got my house beautiful and perfect -_-)

Man is responsible for dishes and laundry, mostly because I hate them and he quietly lets me do everything else, which does sometimes include total reorganization and distruction of the house. He's been neglecting the laundry and it's ALL OVER the bedroom floor. I shoved it out into the hallway... Kind of hoping that tripping over it will make him more inclined to get to it... Or will make me more interested in nagging him incessantly until it's done. I want it all clean and put away by Dec. 20th-ish so I have time to purge the girls clothing and my own (we don't touch his).

I also decided to rearrange the furniture in three rooms. BRILLIANT IDEA. My spine hurt SO MUCH going to sleep. -_-

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Your blog's name is stupid"

... Absolutely no one has said this to me, but I think it ALLL THE TIME.

The title and URL don't match the content because about 2 years ago I decided that I was going to build a house out of mud or some shit and keep an update of how I did it. Of course, I have abandoned that project indefinitely because it's a stupid thing for someone with nowhere to put an earth sheltered home to try and do. I'm sure I'll come back to it when my bank account is less pathetic.

Instead of creating a new blog, I just decided to recycle this one and started displaying my uterus. Because making a new one was too much effort? Idk.

I really need to change the name to fit the  uterus-y nature of the blog. The problem with this is that I am
A) Uncreative
B) Indescisive
C) Lazy

So. Suggestions are open, please do the hard work for me so I stop reminding myself that the title of this blog makes no sense.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

5 Weeks 2 Days

5w2d Gestation
3w2d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal


My uterus feels to be about the size of a lemon. Specifically, this lemon.

Just for comparison.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

5 Weeks 1 Day

5w1d Gestation
3w1d Embryo Age

Taking: Prenatal

Cervix is closed and is very high. Looks purpley.
Better lighting, but washes out the purple.


I **didn't** test today.