Sunday, October 27, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 29

CD 29
11 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.12 (-_-)

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C
Progesterone (friend reminded me to take it)

Took all my regular pills because who am I kidding.

Cervix is kind of open and soft. Blergh.

I told myself I wouldn't do another blood test today but I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL. This time I did it properly though and actually dripped blood into a cup and then mixed it with water.

Srsly not expecting anything. BUT WAIT.

Remember the splotches aren't from filth, it's from rice starches. :/

09.29.13- Cycle Day 28

CD 28
10 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.64

Taking: Multivitamin

No cervix pictures today because I forgot. Yay for temp rise!

I took another blood test today though and it was negative so probably not this cycle anyway. -_- I think the previous one was negative and it was just blood smear on the test anyway.

Friday, October 25, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 27

CD 27
9 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.08

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C

Cervix is closed and creamy cervical fluid is present.

Small amount of blood at OS Is from scratching the cervix with the speculum.

Took a test today because there is no time like the present and I can die tomorrow or something.

Looks highly negative. Today's severe drop in temperature makes me think it was an implantation dip though so, curiosity unstated, I used blood on a HPT.

 That looks like a line, right?

I took this last one after letting it sit in water for like a year so that the blood would go to the other side of the test and I might be able to see if there is any dye or if it's like a blood smear. As it so happens I still don't want to call it either. The internet tells me it's positive. I am undecided on whether or not I see dye. Probably won't test for a few days but I also will probably start progesterone tomorrow and stop vitamin c I think.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

09.23.13- Cycle Day 26

cd 26
8 Days Past Ovulation


Taking: Multivitamin
Vitamin C

It is horrible to try and do this with the iPad. 

Cervix is medium and feels like its opening up. Boo. Cervical fluid was egg white/watery-ish today. Boo.

 OH OH OH OH also I forgot to tell you that the window of implantation opens on LH+ 7 and closes Lh + 11. So, since I had a + opk cd 16 (peak positive) and didn't ov until cd 18 my window of implantation opened 4 DPO and closes today. So I'll probably test at 10 and 12 dpo but it should be apparent before af if this cycle was hopeless, which I think is probably yes.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 25

CD 25

Temperature: 98.33

Taking: Multivitamin
Vitamin C

No pictures today because my phone was a gigantic raging asshat and decided to cease all functionality. -_- the apple people didn't know wtf was wrong with it. iPad doesn't have a flash so I'll have to use man's phone. Dsfhluaedhguofebvoudsabvjodabsjovgfsjoqghfouefhuofheagouahsuoghsoug

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 24

CD 24
6 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.22

Taking: Multivitamin
Vitamin C

Cervix is High and tilted slightly off to the side. It is closed and firm but also slightly open in the middle. Medium? Kinda dry.

At this point a blastocyst would have properly hatched. I hate the 2ww.

Monday, October 21, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 23

CD 23
5 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.39

Taking: Multivitamin
Vitamin C

Cervix is kinda purpley. I wonder if I have a blastocyst. I wonder if it's hatching or hatched.

Idk why these look so dark. I used flash. It's annoying. Maybe it's just my screen.

My temp went back up. Yay. 

09.29.13- Cycle Day 22

CD 22
4 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 97.96

Taking: multivitamin 
(Left my pills elsewhere)

Cervix is tilted oddly and firm. Still creamy cm but some eggwhite is visible.

I had to adjust the speculum like 4 times to get a straightforward angle.

I don't really know what's happening with my temps. I don't go below 98 from 4 dpo to 11 dpo or so. It's weird. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 21

CD 21
3 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.32

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C

Cervix is low, soft and closed. Tilted funny.

Took me a few tries to get it right.

I'm tired and my feelings of defeat have left me really really irritable. This is my last cycle before my due date would be after my youngest turns 3. Sigh.

Friday, October 18, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 20

CD 20
2 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.20

Taking: Multivitamin
Vitamin C

Temps still up, yay. Cervix is lower down and tilted downward.

I had to right it to take a decent picture

Cervical fluid is obv. Creamy.

2ww is driving me crazy and I'm only two days in. I spent the morning googling to see if I could do a rosette inhibition test at  home. I can't figure out the keywords for the instructions for one nor can I figure out the magnification for it. But in reality I know I don't have the capabilities. I just really really want to know. Probably honestly won't legit test until 12 dpo at least.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 19

CD 19
1 Day Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.02

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C

Cervix is high and soft, but closing. Finally got a damn temp rise. CD 18 ovulation! Ughhhhh.

I feel like this cycle was a waste and the egg is probably all dusty and awful because of how LONG it took to ov. So I can't say I'm expecting much put of this cycle.

That will probably change like 17 times before this cycle is over. :/

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 18

CD 18

Temperature: 97.53

Taking: 5MTHF
Evening Primrose Oil
Vitamin C


OPK was negative so I'd better see a damn temp rise tomorrow.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 17

CD 17

Temperature: 97.42

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C
Evening Primrose Oil

Cervix is very fertile. Should ovulate today.

OPK was less positive but still positive.

Monday, October 14, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 16

CD 16

Temperature: 97.96

Taking: 5MTHF
Evening Primrose Oil
Vitamin C

My temp is still higher than normal even though I have not ovulated because my demonic minion child REFUSED to sleep last night. Sigh.

Cervix is soft, high and open.

Residual amounts of coconut oil remain in the vagina. 

Finally, my OPK is positive! The lack of ewcf pisses me off though, so I'm going to fill one of my instead cups with egg whites and insert later tonight. I think I'll still put in coconut oil as a lube since it seemed to work well.

I assume I will not ov today, but tomorrow seems like a possibility.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 15

CD 15

Temperature: 98.51

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C
Evening Primrose Oil

Cervix is still open, hardly any cervical fluid.

What is there is eggwhite. I took some EPO and put coconut oil in my vagina.

OPK is negative. Still. 4 PM

9 PM

*hulksmash*. It's about this cd that I fear I will never actually ovulate. I don't need an anovulatory cycle. Really. I know that I shouldn't expect a CD 16 ovulation now so I can only hope its a CD 17 ovulation and that we don't meander into the 20's. I really just don't want to deal with that bullshit.

Oh! And temp is definitely in post-ov levels but I haven't ovulated yet. I actually think I woke up sick. :/ will probably discard.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 14

CD 14

Temperature: 97.36

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C
Evening Primrose Oil

Cervix and temperature both indicate an estrogen surge before ovulation, though it does not look like I will ovulate tomorrow.

Opk is negative, however it does look like its beginning to pick up a LH surge.

Last night man committed the cardinal sin: he pulled out. The kicker? He's not even worried about a new baby or trying to sabotage... He just doesn't care and is stupid. He felt guilty, "for some reason. I don't know why. Why do I feel guilty?" -_- I'm not telling you because you should know and I'm annoyed and I don't care if that's cliche. Of course, this put me in a bad mood all day today.

On bad days I watch this:

It makes me cry. A lot. But it reminds me that it's okay to care. 

I got a negative opk yesterday and today but I'm still going to blame him if we don't catch an egg this cycle. I'll probably blame him if we do catch one and it doesn't stick just on principle. -_-

Friday, October 11, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 13

CD 13

Temperature: 97.44 

Taking: 5MTHF
Vitamin C
Evening Primrose Oil

Cervical fluid is much more fertile than it was yesterday. I'm considering it eggwhite.

Debating on using coconut oil or raw eggwhites to facilitate sperm transport. What do you think? I'm indecisive.

Opk was unremarkably negative.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 12

CD 12

Temperature: 97.73

Taking: 5MTHF
Evening Primrose Oil
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Cervix looks like it's considering being fertile.

Fluid is watery, not eggwhite, and I'm not having an estrogen surge as noted by my lack of a significant temp drop. Still a few days to ovulation, then.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

09.29.13- Cycle Day 11

CD 11

Temperature: 97.76

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Okay. Okay. It's time to let go of the fantasy. Still no sticky baby. 
What's infuriating and worrying is that I'm like 100% infertile by symptoms still. No significant temp drop or estrogen surge. I'm going to do something stupid to my Fallopian tubes if I don't ovulate this cycle. :/ 

No pictures because this was the day I updated for the past week and I forgot I didn't take one.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 10

CD 10

Temperature: 97.84

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Well, that temp is sill above last cycles cover line... *clings to delusion*

09.29.13- Cycle Day 9

CD 9

Temperature: 97.96

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

My temp is under 98. But it's close enough to 98 that it could totally be an error in thermometer and I could be pregnant still right? 

I can't bring myself to test. More mashing of my uterus ensues.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 8

CD 8

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Still very creamy cervical fluid. Mashing my uterus to see if I feel any changes.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 7

CD 7

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

The follicular phase is boring. 

Cervical fluid abundant and creamy. Entertaining the idea of still being pregnant.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 6

CD 6

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Cervix is infertile and uneventful.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 5

CD 5

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Nothing interesting happened today. My client was still in labor.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 4

CD 4

Temperature: 98.29 ( I took a break from the birth and got a night of sleep, so I could temp)

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Bleeding completely stopped, nothing in the cup by morning. 

By nightfall I bled a little more, 3ml or so, to dislodge some left over clots. Breasts still hurt so I am, of course, entertaining the idea of still being pregnant but don't want to test.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 3

CD 3

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Just a brown tint to my cf.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 2

CD 2

Temperature: Not Taken

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Bleeding was very light yesterday, I probably only bleed about 13 or so ml more the entire day. By CD 2 it seems to have reduced to simple spotting.

09.29.13- Cycle Day 1

CD 1

Temperature: 98.19

Taking: 5MTHF
Black Cohosh
Vitamin C

Damn it all. Bleed 15ml overnight.

I haven't updated in a while partly because from now until cd 6 I was at a birth and it took me a few days to recover from that work. Also I didn't want to think about this. :/

08.30.13- Cycle Day 30

CD 30
14 Days Past Ovulation

Temperature: 98.01

Taking: Multivitamin

Cervix was high, flat and closed this morning. Temperature dropped to a point I wasn't happy with so I used progesterone, since I got the positive before.

A little later I started spotting anyway, despite the progesterone. It's like my body doesn't care what's happening.

Continued through the day.

I did get slight positives this morning too, which makes this even more frustrating.