Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02.09.13- Cycle Day 11

CD 11

Temperature: 97.54

Taking: Aspirin
Vit B6
Folic Acid

Cervix is high, medium and semi open.

Cervical fluid is Eggwhite.

I got back tarot reading about by fertility. No judging.
She 1. Blames Man's craptastic diet and his refusal to eat fruit as a factor and
2. Gave me a time frame to work with.
She says it will be a girl (yay)
"This reading has so many strong positive indications for pregnancy in the coming few months. I am certain there are great things on the horizon for you, and that motherhood will be greatly rewarding to you.
My indications suggest there is a heightened chance for conception of a child, I believe a female child in the early summer season, specifically around the months of May or June. I have received additional indications that this child is likely to be born in the spring of 2014, specifically under the zodiac signs of Aquarius or Pisces, with a potential due date around the month of February to Mid-March."

Okay, not that I won't be happy with a baby girl at any point, but I promise you I will end up throwing a huge tantrum is if I have a due date in 2014 and give birth in 2014. This is going to sound weird but I HATE even numbers. They bug me far more than they should. I HATE them. Secondly, I have an established pattern of sequential odd numbered birth years for my children. If my infertility messes up my pattern I am going to pout like you have never seen pouting. A 2014 baby would jack up my pattern AND be an even number.

It's looking like I will not have a 2013 baby anyway, though, because I only have this cycle and the next left to conceive Andree a baby in 2013. After as many cycles as I have had its really not looking likely. :/

The time frame is good. Even if it isn't real, though, I need a time frame to focus on. It makes me feel less TTC-crazy.

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