Thursday, January 24, 2013

01.12.13- Cycle Day 13

CD 13

Temperature: 96.8 (Woah!)

Taking: Aspirin
Vit. B6
Folic Acid

Temperature is lower than it has ever been ever in the history of ever. I hope it means I'm having a huge estrogen surge with lovely quality eggs.

Cervix is high soft and open. When it looks like this I can fit a finger into the os.

Cervical fluid is Eggwhite but very thin.

Took an opk at about 10. It was not positive but these have a very LOW sensitivity (consumer reports said something like 96 sensitivity, peeonastick said she estimated about 40) it's obvious to me I am surging but I am going to wait until 2-3pm and test again. You know... Since I have 18 left that have to be discarded after 30 days. -_-



Okay, seriously?! These tests can go die in a raging fire. I mean really?!

Top AM, bottom PM.


  1. I liked these ovulation strips.
    (this is Rachel from playgroup, by the way, did I mention that I'm stalking your blog?)

  2. That's what it's here for. Lol

    I LOVE the wondfo opks. I had 50 but I used them all because PEE STICKS. Then I was broke for a few weeks and by the time I was able to afford some I couldn't wait the two days.

    I promise I will never cheat on them ever again. Wondfo opks, my loves...
