Monday, December 3, 2012

11.18.12- Cycle Day 16

CD 16

Temperature 97.6 (sleep deprived)

Taking: EPO
Vit B6

My abdomen is extremely tender. My cervix was so high that I was almost unable to take this picture.

Cervical fluid egg white

Opk positive
Edit: Got my reading back! Brooke says, "I'm getting "by end of February" for conception or when you find out.  So any time now! A BOY appears for this pregnancy!:-)"
Bah. I don't want to wait until the end of February. That's three months from now. :/ I know three months doesn't sound like a big deal to alot of people, but when you've been trying for a year it's disheartening. 
*pity confetti*
I put too much stock in these kinds of things.

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