Wednesday, June 11, 2014

32 Weeks!

32w0d completed

33rd Week of pregnancy

8 Months Pregnant
9th (!) Month of Pregnancy

Third Trimester

Weight: 150.0. Lb (the scale shifted back and forth from 149.9 to 150 so I went with the heavier number.)

Blood Pressure: 105/65 (I took pictures just in case I didn't bother to update for a month)

Resting Heart Rate: 107bpm

Fundal Height: suffocating 41-2cm this day

All this uterus crawling up in my lungs. It's actually under my ribs. >:0

Fetal Heart Rate: Down to 130-140 range.

Fetal Position: At least one head in my pelvis, as noted by the cervix pictures.

Definitely got a heart up here though. What I'm not sure of is if that heart up here is the pelvis-head child's heart or if it could be at all. My birth groups are having fun debating. 

My shirt doesn't fit. >:0 none of my pants do either I spend most days wearing spandex.

Comparative! 32 Weeks with my second child

32 Weeks this time 

Developmental growth: baby is supposed to gain 1/2 their birth weight from here on out, so I should be getting heavier faster. A baby born at this gestation is likely to be able to breathe on it's own and shouldn't need to spend too much time in a NICU. That's really it. 

31 Weeks 6 Days

31w6d Gestational Age
29w6d Fetal Age

Okay I sincerely dislike this method and will have to figure out a new one. I wonder if I need to enlist the help of Man. I'm sure he'll appreciate that. 

31 Weeks 5 Days

31w5d Gestational Age
29w5d Fetal Age

This is the only angle a picture would work. I'm not really happy with the result but this is the best I could do.

Note how the vaginal wall has changed color. You can see it in the hymen most clearly. It's like... Ombrévagina.

31 Weeks 4 Days

31w4d Gestational Age
29w4d Fetal Age

Trying this on my back. You can still see baby head compression but it's less pronounced. Of course, I also can't see what I'm doing.

31 Weeks 3 Days

31w3d Gestational Age
29w3d Fetal Age

I absolutely gave up today. Baby head wasn't even letting me OPEN the speculum. I'll have to use a different method to get a picture.

31 Weeks 2 Days

31w2d Gestational Age
29w2d Fetal Age

Clearer picture of that baby head compression. Ow.

31 Weeks 1 Day

31w1d Gestational Age
29w1d Fetal Age

Okay this is why it's so hard

See that kind of outline on the top of the speculum where some of the vaginal fluid is outlining where there is skin touching the speculum?


Yes that is competition between a head and my cervix. It is definitely uncomfortable.

31 Weeks 0 Days

31w0d Gestational Age
29w0d Fetal Age

Oh my goodness. Getting a picture is getting hard.

Can you even tell what is cervix?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

31 Weeks!

31w0d Completed

32nd Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: 35-6cm ish

Fetal Heart Tone: tops at about 160 and bottoms at about 140

Fetal Position: there is a head still on my cervix. It moves when my bladder is full and goes back pretty much the second after I empty.


I got dressed.

So Weird.

Oh and I wanted to show you a boob because they're still changing.
This is the boob that is unused by my children. It's dried up. The areola is darker and bigger than when we started and you can see the ducts on the nipple.
A closer up so you can see the ducts.

This week: the brain works and the fetus is learning things for sure at this point, processing  Information and building neural connections. This week the lungs work on becoming usable on the outside and the baby continues putting on fat and finishing up growing in height (length, really). 

As you can tell, not much happens in the last few weeks aside from fine tuning for the outside world.

As for me, I'm feeling a sense of panic because this has felt like my fastest pregnancy and I feel completely unprepared and my house is a mess and nothing is ready. I mean, with my first nothing was ready but the house was clean. With my second stuff was ready and my house was clean (except for the laundry). I also had way less pain and way more ease of movement with both of those pregnancies. This time I'm a useless lump and nothing is done. *freak out*

30 Weeks 6 Days

30w6d Gestational Age
28w6d Fetal Age

I'm about to be 31 weeks! That's like... 5-11ish estimated weeks left to go. Can I freak out now??

Os looks like it's slowly slowly dilating. Hopefully this means an easy labor?

30 Weeks 5 Days

30w5d Gestational Age
28w5d Fetal Age

It's like my Os is trying to become vertical. Very weird.

30 Weeks 4 Days

30w4d Gestational Age
28w4d Fetal Age

30 Weeks 3 Days

30w3d Gestational Age
28w3d Fetal Age

I'm a good 1.5cm dilated. I tried to put my fingers in for you to see but all I got was a good picture of my knuckles so I gave up lol

30 Weeks 2 Days

30w2d Gestational Age
28w2d Fetal Age

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

30 Weeks 1 Day

30w1d Gestational Age
28w1d Fetal Age

Those white spots on my cervix are normal, harmless cysts that aren't an issue.

This is the last picture I took on the old phone. I decided I hated the quality and so I went back to the new phone. I'll upload the rest later.

30 Weeks 0 Days

30w0d Gestational Age
28w0d Fetal Age

Now that I'm in the last 10-12 weeks I'm kind of freaking out. My house is NOT ready for a baby and my man thing prefers to play video games rather than help me clean up so the house remains presentable. Ack ack ack.

30 Weeks!

30w0d Completed

31st Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: Huge drop, down to 34/33. It feels like a huge drop. I'm wondering if my body just can't work past being 41 inches around, honestly.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-150, absolutely no change there. 

Fetal Position: there is a head still on my cervix.

Awkward picture because I'm not wearing pants and I am in a sports bra too big for me and you can see my toilet paper. >.>

This week: brain is continuing to get "wrinkles" (there are actually three types of brain wrinkles and they all talk about depth and division and such) and fetus is continuing to develop lots of fat. Yay fetus. (Lol)

29 Weeks 6 Days

29w6d Gestational Age
27w6d Fetal Age

29 Weeks 5 Days

29w5d Gestational Age
27w5d Fetal Age

I'm also exhausted. I can't stay awake like a normal human should be able to so I end up just falling asleep everywhere like I have some sort of condition. :/

29 Weeks 4 Days

29w4d Gestational Age
27w4d Fetal Age

I'm trying a thing: I keep my old phone in the bathroom and take uterus pictures with that one when I am in there. That way I have one full of battery when I remember I should take a picture.

29 Weeks 3 Days

29w3d Gestational Age
27w3d Fetal Age

Definitely has been some sort of shift-- it's much easier to get a picture now.

29 Weeks 2 Days

29w2d Gestational Age
27w2d Fetal Age

It's about this time during this week that I know something shifted in my pelvis. I am now in an extreme amount of pelvic pain but my heartburn and shortness of breath is lessened. I do wonder if I'm dropping or if position(s?) are shifting and that's all.

Today I could get NOTHING but vaginal wall. There was a head blocking my ability to see and it wouldn't move. It almost felt like IT was being blocked, too.

29 Weeks 1 Day

29w1d Gestational Age
27w1d Fetal Age

29 Weeks 0 Days

29w0d Gestational Age
27w0d Fetal Age

29 Weeks!

29w0d Completed

30th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: I think I was at 35??? I relaxin has made my brain fall out.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-156 still.

Fetal Position: I can honestly say I just don't remember and shame on me I should have done it sooner.

That's the best I did this week.

This week: fetus has white fat (for insulation), is about 15 inches long (rough estimation as one of my kids was a whopping 18) and supposedly is 2.5 lbs (since I have 5 and 6lb Babies before I assume this may be a bit less).

Nothing else terribly interesting to report.

28 Weeks 6 Days

28w6d Gestational Age
26w6d Fetal Age

There is actually a head on my bladder which is making this whole thing really really hard to do. 

28 Weeks 5 Days

28w5d Gestational Age
26w5d Fetal Age

28 Weeks 4 Days

28w4d Gestational Age
26w4d Fetal Age

28 Weeks 3 Days

28w3d Gestational Age
28w3d Fetal Age

My vaginal walls are more puffy than normal, making it really hard to get a picture.

28 Weeks 2 Days

28w2d Gestational Age
26w2d Fetal Age

Honestly though I do need to post when I take the picture. It would make more sense AND it would remind me how far along I am.

28 Weeks 1 Day

28w1d Gestational Age
26w1d Fetal Age

28 Weeks 0 Days

28w0d Gestational Age
26w0d Fetal Age

See what I mean about how lazy I am? It takes aeons for these to upload and I can't do anything else on my phone while it's happening so I just procrastinate.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Video of possibly two hearts? Idk don't ask me

May or may not have just uploaded 23 comments into my 26 week post.

Anyway-- this is what we are hearing, which several midwives and (begrudgingly) I believe may be two hearts attached to two separate fetuses. for those that don't want to go back to look.

Found using the radiation machine-- the intensity of the sound and the angle of the probe that far apart is what is pushing the belief from distant "maybe" to more real. Unless there is a problem, though, I'm not planning on an ultrasound, so I'm going to stay in my half crazed limbo and take you all down with me.

28 Weeks!

28w0d completed

29th week of pregnancy

7 Months Pregnant
8th Month of Pregnancy

Third Trimester

Weight: 146.2lb (oh yeah I gained 20lbs crazy crazy)

Blood Pressure: 106/62 (still great)

Resting Heart Rate: 90bpm

Fundal Height: My sister visited on Monday and she took my fundal height (I was teaching her how). I got 36, she got 38.

My view 

Fetal Heart Rate: Still 130-145ish.

Fetal Position: At least one head in my pelvis.

Symptoms noted in the past month
Utter exhaustion
Pelvic pain
Heartburn of death
Pregnancy insomnia


Developmental growth:
Fetus is like 15 inches long and I'm now in the third trimester omg.
Fetus is stimulating my hormones to make milk and stuff so it stays alive. I've noticed a sharp increase in nipple pain over the past week but I'm already making milk so~*~*~
It's actually getting a sleep/wake cycle and beginning to dream.
Other than that this last trimester is mostly dedicated to fat production and bulking up. It's "the finishing touches". Obviously a baby born at this gestation would need support to survive. This is the home stretch in outfitting the baby so it can survive.

27 Weeks 6 Days

27w6d Gestational Age
25w6d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 5 Days

27w5d Gestational Age
25w5d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 4 Days

27w4d Gestational Age
25w4d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 3 Days

27w3d Gestational Age
25w3d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 2 Days

27w2d Gestational Age
25w2d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 1 Day

27w1d Gestational Age
25w1d Fetal Age

27 Weeks 0 Days

27w0d Gestational Age
25w0d Fetal Age

27 Weeks!

27w0d Completed

28th Week of Pregnancy

Fundal Height: I think it was like 35.

Fetal Heart Tone: 130-150. 

Fetal Position: Depends on whether or not I have to pee. I keep feeling what I think is fetus stacking and then I just feel hard lumps everywhere. I am going a little nuts actually because I don't want an ultrasound for what I see as a non-emergency. So I convince myself I'm just imagining things at least twice a day. :D


And this is actually the biggest around I've ever gotten, I think.

And, comparison of last pregnancy that got to 27 Weeks (left) and this pregnancy at 27 Weeks (right)

Same bathroom, sink and angle.

This week: Last week of the second trimester- wow! Supposedly fetus is 2idh lb-- though, given that my last two babies were born term at 5 and 6 lb I'm Willi to bet mine is slightly smaller. Baby is supposed to start flipping down about now, though I must say mine are almost always head down all the time. This head in my lungs thing is an anomaly. I do think there is a head in my pelvis too. (Well, actually, I always think there is a head in my pelvis and only wonder about the one in my ribs.)